Now that the cooler months have arrived, everyone’s thoughts are turning toward the coming holidays. As you prepare your home, visit family, or just go about your regular routine, make sure you’re aware of the hazards and precautions that come with the cold weather and holiday season.
Here are some safety tips to keep in mind:
Drive and walk slowly if your area is experiencing freezing conditions. At home, treat your sidewalks and driveway to prevent you or visitors from slipping or getting hurt.
Coats, hats, scarves, and gloves are just a few of the important items to wear outside in the cold weather. They will not only keep you comfortable, but will also help prevent frostbite and hypothermia.
Whether you are driving locally or traveling far away, always pay attention to the weather report. If a winter storm is coming, it’s best to stay at home—if you’re not on the road, you won’t have to worry about a car accident or getting stuck in the snow.
Of course, sometimes travel in less-than-ideal weather is unavoidable. If you do get stuck in the snow, a kit of essential items will come in handy while you wait for help. These items include blankets, water, snacks, flashlights, and kitty litter (which melts ice and snow like salt).
Shoveling snow can be a strenuous workout even if you’re used to such activity. Take breaks and work slowly to prevent overexertion, which could lead to a serious injury or even a heart attack.
Here are a few items to remember as you prepare your home for winter: ensure your furnace and fireplace receive proper maintenance, install storm windows, and put fresh batteries in your smoke alarm/carbon monoxide detector.
Don’t forget these simple but effective fire prevention basics: never leave cooking or baking unattended; turn off tree lights as well as other indoor and outdoor decorations; don’t leave a burning candle unattended; and shut off space heaters while you are asleep or away.
Don’t forget these simple but effective fire prevention basics: never leave cooking or baking unattended; turn off tree lights as well as other indoor and outdoor decorations; don’t leave a burning candle unattended; and shut off space heaters while you are asleep or away.
Have a safe and happy holiday season!