Safety professionals seek to address safety issues effectively. However, while trying to be efficient, many focus only on the first layer of information available and center their attention on solving the immediate problem. Overlooking a situation and rushing into a solution not only brings the risk of making wrong decisions but also prevents organizations from attaining sustainable results and from improving their safety programs.
Having a clear view on your safety context is key to improved safety outcomes
To avoid falling into this trap, safety managers need a clear view of the organization’s safety context- or what is called a great “quality of perception” (QoP) This is important because the more realistic understanding safety teams have of the reality of their safety programs, the more likely they are to make accurate decisions. But how to get there?
Quality data in a format that helps make sense of things is the key to success. This information provides relevant insights, allowing safety managers to be confident that they are making the correct decisions and taking the correct steps to accomplish their safety goals.
When it comes to improving QoP, complexity is the enemy. Opting for a simpler, focused approach can simplify the decision-making process. When data is so clear that it brings actionable insights, safety managers need less time and effort to be fully aware of what is happening. Decision-making is easy because it is evident what needs to be done. Let´s take as an example a smart –or connected — gas detection solution. Each component of the solution contributes to and influences the quality of the data:
- Smart sensors:
Influence data accuracy at three levels: type, quantity (concentration levels) and time (for how long the exposure occurred).
- Smart devices:
Make connectivity with other devices and the cloud easy. They also report on device condition and provide status information.
- Smart software:
More than having gas readings available in one place for compliance, the smart software brings information at a glance and actionable insights to support accurate and swift decision-making.
Smart solutions not only help safety professionals to automate compliance management and reduce risks, but also help them learn from data and improve the “QoP”
Evaluating your QoP and using data for improved safety
Learning from and increasing the “QoP” is all about using even basic data wisely. If you want to evaluate your “quality of perception” and understand how you can use your data intelligently, here is a model that can help you.
If you have read this article it means you are concerned about continuously improving your safety program and aiming for enhanced operational safety. Congratulations! You are on your way to program excellence by transforming your good practices into best practices.
Talk to our connected solutions experts to learn more about how MSA’s connected gas detection solutions can help drive safety and productivity in your organization.