Preparing your household for winter can help reduce utility bills, keep you safe, and protect your house from low temperatures.
What can you do to protect your home as temperatures drop?
Change Your Air Filters
Clean filters help your home system run smoothly. A dirty or clogged air filter is a safety hazard and can result in poor furnace performance. Air filters should be replaced every 3-4 months and more frequently if you have pets in the home.
Tune Up Your System
Having an HVAC professional tune up your heating system can instantly improve energy efficiency in your home. Furnaces and air conditioners that have been finely tuned require less energy to heat and cool your home, while neglected HVAC systems are forced to work harder to regulate indoor temperature.
Insulate Your Pipes
Having your pipes insulated prevents them from freezing and bursting, saving you money in repairs and headaches in the process. The insulation also helps water maintain its intended temperature, reducing heat loss
Check Your Attic
Attic insulation has a huge impact on the comfort of a home. Hot air rises and if your attic isn’t insulated properly the air your heating will leave your home; forcing your heating system to work harder to keep the house comfortable.
Run Fans in Reverse
Running your ceiling fan in reverse moves the warm air your furnace is heating near the ceiling down to the floor. This is a simple trick that helps reduce your energy use and helps save money and resources.
Keep It Cozy
Even if you can handle cold temperatures – your house can’t. Setting your thermostat to at least 65°F (18°C) can help protect the inside walls of your home from freezing.
Test Your Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Due to higher furnace use, residential fires are more common in the winter. Fuel based (non-electric) furnaces can also leak carbon monoxide if they aren’t cared for properly. Help protect you and your family by checking that your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are working properly and replace any detectors that aren’t dependable.